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Rev. Roberta Jackson, Pastor

St. Peter AME Church Givelify Page

North, SC


Congratulations, Lyric!


Please join our St. Peter AME Church Family as we celebrate the high school graduation of Miss Shade' Woody from Calhoun County High School on Saturday, June 4, 2022, 9:00 AM. Shade' is "A Top 10 Senior" graduating with numerous academic honors. We are so very proud of Shade', and we wish her much success! Her proud grandmother is Sister Isabella Harley Williams.

Please join our St. Peter AME Church Family as we celebrate the special graduation of Dr. Bianca Stewart from the University of Miami, Saturday, June 18, 2022, 1:00 PM. We are so very proud of Dr. Stewart and wish her continued professional success in her medical practice. She will be receiving an additional medical degree certifying her as a Sleep Medicine Specialist! Her proud parents are Mr. and Mrs. Waymon (Ruby Knotts) Stewart.

Congratulations, Shade'!!

Congratulations, Ta'Miya!


Congratulations, Sha-Kira!


Please join our St. Peter AME Church Family as we celebrate the high school graduation of Miss Lyric Washington from Gilbert High School, on Saturday, June 4, 2022, 4:00 PM. We wish her much success in her academic and career pursuits! Her proud grandparents are Rev. and Mrs. Anthony Washington.


Congratulations, Dr. Stewart!

Please join our St. Peter AME Church Family as we celebrate the high school graduation of Miss Sha-Kira Kiser from Betty Shabazz High School, Newark, NJ, on Friday, June 24, 2022, 9:00 AM. We wish her much success in her academic and career pursuits! Her proud grandmother is Sister Roeberyl Harley.

​Please join our St. Peter AME Church Family as we celebrate the high school graduation of Miss Ta'Miya Williams from Richland Northeast High School on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 4:00 PM. The ceremony will take place at Colonial Life Arena,. Ta'Miya is a talented and active leader, being named the most active senior girl and serving as the student body president. We are so very proud of Ta'Miya and wish her much success! Her proud grandmother is Sister Effie Mintz Crum.


Congratulations, Dr. Stewart!