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Rev. Roberta Jackson, Pastor

St. Peter AME Church Givelify Page

North, SC


5K Run/Walk 2015 -Breast Cancer Awareness

5K Run/Walk 2014 - Kidney and Heart Health Awareness

5K Run/Walk 2016 -Breast Cancer Awareness

Health Awareness Ministry

5K Run 2014 WINNERS
Dorothy Howell, Phyllis Coleman, Robert McCants, and Coneka Riley 

Sister Zareatha Harley

5K Run/Walk Chairperson

          We thank everyone for your support and participation in the Heart and Kidney Health Awareness 5K Run/Walk. It was a big success. We had a high time full of laughter and cheers. If you missed this one, keep an eye out for the one next year!!!

       Way to go St. Peter AME Church of North!!!!! We started at 8 am and by 10 am we were leaving the Town of North, and then God sent the sun out with a bright smile to put his signature on this event.  

