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Rev. Roberta Jackson, Pastor

St. Peter AME Church Givelify Page

North, SC


Click  the image below to go directly to St. Peter AME Church's  Givelify website to make your donations.

Read the instructions below if you need to download the Givelify App.  Please follow the instructions to make sure you select the right Church.

St. Peter AME Church Online Giving

To submit your donations, tithes, and offerings, please follow the detailed instructions below on the Givelify App. You can give from the palm of your hands using your smart phone.

1. Download the GIVELIFY App if you have not done so already from Itunes or Google Play.
2. Once downloaded, open the app. Search for St. Peter AME Church
3. Be sure to select
St. Peter AME Church ,954 Bull Swamp Rd, North SC 29112
4. Tap the green "GIVE" button.
5. Choose a pre-generated amount or choose "OTHER" to enter a different amount.
6. Choose where you want your monetary gift to be applied: *Other, *Tithes, or *Offering. If you choose "Other," please indicate what your monetary gift amount is for by tapping the "Add Memo" button and typing in your message (i. e. Church School, YPD, WMS, Church Anniversary, etc.)
7. Tap the green "GIVE NOW" button to complete your donation.
8. GIVELIFY will send you an email notification confirming your donation.

Thank you all for your donations!  May God bless you all!